Ramadan Journal '18 | Week Two
Day 8 | Dreams
“The most beautiful thing about a sunrise is its patience.” - your dreams are destined to come to life, have faith
Day 9 | Captive
This world is an ocean and sometimes, I feel myself drowning. It is a tidal wave that I cannot ride. It shoves me under with its painful reminders and impossible challenges. It chokes me up with 'what-ifs' and 'should haves'. It betrays. It is not the teal blue of vivid dreams. It is a dark murky black that swallows and consumes; it is the nightmare that jolts. It is reality. It swallows me whole before spitting me out.
I find myself, more often than not, confined by the four walls of my own life. Chained by forgotten dreams and shackled with regret. I am a prisoner of ironies. I am a slave to the illusions of an alternate reality. I am held captive by wistful thinking. I am slowly destroyed by what I cannot control, suffocated as its noose hangs tight around my neck, squeezing and strangling, strangling and squeezing.
It feels unfair but there is no one to tell. And so I let my throat burn with the words I swallow down. I temper the flames though they simmer at the surface. Until I come undone. There is no smoke without fire. I wonder if my ashen face tells the story that I cannot.
And I wonder, just how much time I have lost chasing physical entities that crumble and fade to nothing.
And I wonder why it took me so long to get here. To find my lifeline. I cling to it in a desperate attempt to salvage my sanity in a world brimming with its meaningless distractions, dark voids, and empty promises.
It is my anchor.
I am tied to the truth while the rest of the world is swept away by the winds of materialism and the ecstasy of false highs.
It fixes my fragmented illusions and fills the cracks and fissures that sometimes break me open wider than I'd like.
I abandon my delusions and ignore my wild imagination.
I forget my confusion in a single moment of clarity.
I am reminded that it does not matter.
Because I am chasing what I should not be chasing.
I put my hopes in empty vessels and I channel my energies into mindless dreaming
That this world is a prison for the believer.
Day 10 | Fly
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Day 11 | Terminal
He asks me some questions.
I go blank.
Give me more time to think. Please.
He checks my passport. It is the only thing I entered this world with, the only thing with which I leave.
Is it in check, is it in date, please don't let it have expired...
I was cutting it close. It is there, but only just.
Weak, fragile, the pages ripped and torn with the binding falling away, but it is there. It is intact.
Somewhat. It may be my only reprieve.
I think I pass out. And come to. And pass out.
Raised voices give rise to consciousness. And though I could swear that I was the sole being here, there is a muffled voice persistently defending my name. My unnamed saviour. I think we acquainted once before but truthfully, I neglected them more often than I should have. I don't deserve the beseeching, insistent intercession and yet here we are. And so time evades me like this, me flitting between moments of agony and moments of relief while invisible armed soldiers defend my honour.
The rocky landing after what feels like forever almost makes me gasp in relief. Almost. Because I feel, before I hear, the thunderous clap that resonates hard enough for the world to collapse. The runway is leaden with horror and fragments of a shattered world, the plains in which we descend packed tight with people. so. many. people.
We jerk to a halt and as I step off, I am hit by a blast of the scorching heat that plasters to my skin and suddenly, I am parched and my blood boils and it makes me scream but the scream is a whisper amid the screams that rock the very ground on which I stand. I must be delirious because I can hear my limbs speaking, voices overriding one another and it's reached a fever pitch and is this what it feels like to be going mad? Bodies after bodies knock into each other and not a flicker of recognition sparks, just unfamiliar faces stricken with fear as we line up at border control. And I can't think except for those damned scales that I know will be my undoing.
Sweat drips down the back of my neck as the heat of the sun blisters and burns. I rock on the balls of my feet, anxious, impatient, scared out of my mind. And here we are. My baggage is weighed, my papers scanned. I watch in the suffocating heat as the scales slowly tip back and forth, back and forth, back and forth while my papers are intensely studied and each record is tallied.
Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.
I am shaking from head to toe. But as the last page is read, I hold out my right hand.
And I wait.
Day 12 | Horizon
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Lake Malawi // 2014 |
فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
رَبُّ الْمَشْرِقَيْنِ وَرَبُّ الْمَغْرِبَيْنِ
فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
"So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny
[He is] Lord of the two sunrises and Lord of the two sunsets
So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny" - Holy Quran, Surah Ar-Rahman 55:16-18
Day 13 | Surprise
and as much as it hurts when life doesn't go your way
know that wonderful things lie in wait
and that your prayers have reached the heavens
know that one day, you will find yourself walking through doors you never dreamed would open
and you will wonder
why you ever questioned it at all
Day 14 | Bone
“Rise before the sun rises. Pray before the birds fly. Take hold of your prayers, before death takes hold of you.”
أَإِذَا مِتْنَا وَكُنَّا تُرَابًا وَعِظَامًا أَإِنَّا لَمَبْعُوثُونَ