
Chapter 21


2015 has meeted-and-greeted us. We are well and truly into the new year and fingers crossed, it marks the beginning of a new chapter. 2014 was a big year for me; it held personal landmarks and all cheesiness aside, it was the year I decided who I want to be and what I want in life. I made peace with certain elements; I left behind some journeys, and started others. And I'm pretty proud of the year I made it.

2015 is definitely the year my life takes direction. My application for dentistry is no secret but as for whether or not it pans through, remains to be seen. If it doesn't, I'm okay with that. I have a plan B and it might not have been what I initially wanted or ever imagined, but I have a small idea of what may be written for the year ahead. I've reached a point where I'm kind of tired of being in limbo; not knowing if dentistry was ever part of the bigger plan, or even if it was the right career for me, is a killer. The crippling uncertainty, the plaguing doubts, and the sheer amount of work that goes into the simple act of applying, is emotionally draining.

This is the year I put all of that behind me and go forward with a choice that will shape the rest of my life. It's going to mark significant changes that will follow in a domino-like fashion. And it's going to open up a whole new world that I'm excited to enter. It's funny - I do see it as (another) fresh start. I'm finishing one degree and diving headfirst into another but the second one will be it. My actual uni experience. As opposed to living at home and studying from the comforts of my electric blanket. Because let's face it, I'm in no way ready for adulthood. I'm approaching 21 with a slackening grip on teenage life. I don't want to leave the naive comforts of student life. And this year holds the promise of another four years desperately holding on to them whilst growing into the person I want to become.

I'm excited and apprehensive and totally freaking out because thinking short-term, my word does everything (i.e. events, deadlines, EXAMS) seem to be looming SO much nearer from this side of the December finish line.

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