
Productive Procrastination (That's What I Tell Myself Anyway...)


It's been well over a month. And for that I apologise. Being bogged down by dissertation deadlines, assignments, tutorial work and the lot, alongside family reunions, life has been busy to say the least. Busy enough that I had the time to bake a cake and watch eight episodes of Melissa & Joey on one particular day, but who needs the details right?

I would love to update you on the latest drama of my not-so-drama-filled-life but there's nothing. Zilch. Nada. Kinda. It's quite sad that my days involve catching up on sit-coms, reading chick lits that are an insult to my intelligence, and keeping a tab on the things I want to buy in the Christmas sales.

Don't look at me like that - you're all doing the same. I did though watch two amazing movies lately; Mockingjay and The Imitation Game. Mockingjay was pretty amazing - admittedly, it's been a while since I've read The Hunger Games trilogy and I desperately need to re-read it before the second part is released next November, but as the movie wore on, it all came back to me. It was a fitting penultimate "chapter" of sorts. It wasn't as action-packed as the previous two but I know that the second part holds all the juicy bits so I sat well with it and the final few scenes with Katniss and Peeta made the movie worth it.

The Imitation Game was bloody brilliant. Seriously, if you haven't seen it yet, you should. It's not everyone's cup of tea but Benedict Cumberbatch makes the perfect English mathematical genius (Alan Turing) and the little one-liners and powerful messages make a damn good film. Based on a true story of the invention of a machine that de-coded encrypted German messages during WWII that in turn led to winning the war, my word does it spark off the appreciation for technology people. I mean, his achievement led to the invention of computers and here we are sat browsing the worldwide web as we please. I think he deserves a round of applause.

I'm now ready to hit the cinemas again to watch another film...? Shoot me. Although in my defence, I am dying to know what the hype surrounding Disney's Frozen is all about so I owe it to myself to find out first-hand. Apparently I haven't lived or known Disney if I haven't seen it so suffice to say I am well geared up for it.

On a different note, can we please draw attention to the fact that it's already December 15th. How is 2014 already drawing to a close?!? I swear we only entered it yesterday. And as of today, I am now officially on my 6-week Christmas break and I only have one semester left till this year ends and time just needs to slow the eff down.

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