60 Escapes, 40 Adventures


60 of 100 books read of my Goodreads 2015 Challenge and we're about 9 months into the year - not bad going (if I may say so myself) considering my reading only picked up once exams were complete in June. I'm doing my best to step it up though! I'll be gutted if I don't meet the 100 mark by December 31st.

I'm so used to picking up a book just whenever I feel like reading whenever I have a spare moment, or when I have a specific recommendation to read, that for the first time, I've noticed how reading so many books in one go can get tedious. Names are repeated or locations are similar or the storylines are all too familiar and it feels like one endless track of fiction. And so I have tried my best to switch it up between books, the obvious change of focus being in genre, although that's difficult when I rule out many genres for myself. I'm not one for dipping my toe in new ones either because the idea of starting a new genre and hating a book to the point where I don't finish it is unappealing to say the least.

I have though, come across some fantastic reads (see here). I've noticed that most, if not all of my reviews that I post are of those books that I've given 5.0/5.0 stars and I guess that's because a) I find it harder to review books I'm impartial to or ones that didn't really leave an impact (it's so much easier to sing an author's praises than it is to claw my way through a book, picking out its flaws) and b) my 5 star reads are rare to come across and when I do rate one that highly, it's because it's hit a nerve and I'm itching to own it. Naturally, those are the books I want to share with you because I mean, who wants to hear about crappy reads that aren't going to make them pick up the book? That being said, I have decided to do monthly wrap-ups where I quickly go through a rough summary and overall rating for all the books I've read over the month together with its highs and lows.

And I do sincerely apologise that my book reviews are currently outweighing my normal blog posts - not being at uni means that the only productive thing I'm doing with my time is reading and so that means I'm getting through more books and stumbling upon fictional gems more often than usual. Uni does start in a week though! *starts sweating* I'm going to have tons to update you on when my degree is up and running so hang in there! My geeky side, my rantings and ravings of student life, and my ponderings and life's musings will, once again, be the topic of discussion 99% of the time. Yay.

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