

I miss my parents. I miss my brother. I miss home comforts. And I miss my best friend.

Welcome to Africa! Where I have no wifi, hot water is unreliable, and simply put, first world problems become third world problems.

Lucky for you readers I got mobile data hey? I don't know where to begin. I officially start 'work' on Tuesday but I thought it'd be nice for you all to have a small insight into the run up to the boring stuff.

Let's talk about the trip here. It was the first time I ever travelled alone, and first time I've ever been away from home; it's safe to say the experience was overwhelming. Honestly though? Travelling was as easy as ABC. Saying goodbye to my parents and brother was the hardest.

And now I'm here safe and sound and three days in, slowly easing myself into the minimalistic lifestyle that is worlds away from my own whilst coping with the emotions, namely loneliness. Also, I'm missing the UK weather. There. I said it. It's cold here! The days hit about 22 degrees but by 5pm the sun is setting and the temperature drops to about 12. So I'm sitting here with 3 blankets whilst you UK lot have the humid summer I now miss. (I heard you guys have rain and cold temperatures which is typical British weather but your heatwave starts tomorrow so it counts).

In other news, I went to the hospital yesterday just for a visit and down by the labs, just so happened to bump into my supervisor - Mr Limula. But seeing as we're going to be on a first name basis, Henry. He's actually away for my first week of work (wonderful stroke of luck as he won't see first-hand my sheer incompetence in a lab) so I'm travelling to Blantyre tomorrow to see him as he teaches biochemistry there. He wants to discuss my "aims and objectives and plans for the present and future".

Wow Henry. Shattered my expectations of Malawi being backward.

So my supervisor teaches the field I'm studying for a degree in, has my paperwork, a schedule for me and wants to work around my objectives so that they can be achieved. 
Anyone else think I'm screwed?

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