Get To Know Me! | 40 Questions Tag


I'm deciding to switch it up a little today! This post is a little different - as I'm sure you've gathered. I'm all for a little rambling and ranting with my chatty life updates but I thought it'd be fun to do a rapid-fire questions tag; my blog is generally pretty personal anyway but maybe today's questions will tell you more about the inane, random, Inner Me a bit more. Maybe I'll compensate with the usual chatty blog post soon but for now, happy reading!

Get To Know Me! | 40 Questions Tag


1. Do you have a middle name?

I do! My dad's name is my middle name on my passport and I'm legally required to declare it as my middle name so I guess it counts...

2. What was your favourite subject in school?

I can't pick the one! So it's a four-way tie between maths, science, english and history

3. What's your favourite drink?

Coffee, coffee and coffee. And the occasional hot chocolate. But coffee.

4. What's your favourite track at the moment?

Believer - Nadeem Mohammed

5. What would you name your children?

After I read Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa I fell in love with so many of the beautiful Palestinian names she used but naming children is a two-man job so I'll just have to wait and co-decide with the future significant other when the time comes!

6. Do you participate in any sports?

Nope. I used to play football religiously once upon a time but alas, that time has come and gone

7. What’s your favorite book? 

Harry Potter. Obviously.

8. What's your favourite colour?

Pink. The subtle, soft, blush-pink that I never knew was my favourite colour (or that I even had one) until I realised that everything I buy or am drawn to, is that shade...

9. What's your favourite animal?

I hate all animals (or anything living that moves really) but I'm going to say giraffe because little Kauser was once obsessed with them

10. What's your favourite perfume?

Alex by Alex Curran

11. What's your favourite holiday?

I'm interpreting this as holiday season - and it has to be, hands down, Christmas.

12. Have you graduated?

I have! I graduated in Medical Biochemistry last July and it was the best day of my life

13. Have you been out of the country?

Yep! More times than I am deserving of

14. Do you speak any other languages?

I have a GCSE in Arabic - does that count?

15. Do you have any siblings?

I do indeed - a brother younger than me by 3.5 years

16. What's your favourite store?

My wardrobe is quite literally a mini Primark but whether that's because of my student budget or because it's my favourite store, I can't say

17. What's your favourite restaurant?

Pizza Express

18. If you're studying at university, are you enjoying it?

Hell no. But if you had asked me this two years ago it would have been a hell yes.

19. Who are some of your favourite Youtubers?

Dina Tokio - if there's one Youtuber whose videos I watch without fail, it's hers. I mean, she is actual goals.

Zoella (at times) - I do love her monthly favourites, her Christmas uploads, the parties she throws that make me envious with how perfectly tumblr it all is, and her occasional laid-back videos that are just nice to watch on a lazy day

Fabulous Hannah - she makes some of the sassiest, entertaining videos that are just so fun to watch

20. What's your favourite movie?

If we're excluding Harry Potter, it has to be The Hunger Games because they keep me on edge every time I watch them and because I'm so proud of how accurate they are in their story-telling

21. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

How To Get Away With Murder / Suits / The Originals

22. PC or Mac?

PC (simply because investing in a Mac would break my bank account)

23. Which phone do you own?

iPhone 6s in rose gold as of two days ago and I bloody love it

24. How tall are you?

About 5'4"...?

25. What's your favourite season?

The season of cosy knits, hot chocolate, reading by the fire, fairylights and early nights, chunky scarves and fluffy pjs, misty mornings and foggy evenings...winter all the way baby!

26. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4

"a skew to his words that would make even the most trusting fool think he was trouble..."
- Rebel of the Sands, Alwyn Hamilton

27. Who was the last person you texted?

My best friend

28. What is the last thing you watched on TV?

The Apprentice

29. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

New York

30. Is there anything you're disappointed about?

Um, my life?

31. Describe three legitimate fears

- Losing my mum
- Fear of the unknown
- Death

32. List three things you would tell your sixteen year old self if you could

- Life is going to be a complete 180 of how you imagine it will be, don't stress it
- Have the guts to follow your heart, don't live your life to please others
- Be careful of hurting those you love, and those who love you more

33. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

It's a toss-up between heartbreak and studying for a degree/future I absolutely hate

34. What is your dream job?


35. Who influences you/has influenced you, and why?

My mum - because she is the strongest, most loving, kind, selfless, beautiful person I know and I can only hope and pray that I grow up to become even a fraction of who she is because that fraction would be everything that is good in this world.

My friends - they ground me and inspire me and I wouldn't be who I am today if I wasn't so incredibly blessed to have them in my life

36. What is the thing you most wish you were good at?


37. What has been the most difficult thing you've had to forgive?

My own flaws, regrets and mistakes

38. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

That people in their twenties have their life in order - in my humble opinion, I think we're all just making it up as we go along...

39. What are your pet peeves?

People who walk slow - I get severe road rage (pedestrian rage? pavement rage? - whatever you wanna call it, people who walk slow in front of me trigger a whole stream of mental profanities)

People who spit in the street - seriously, how uncultured are you?

The inability to be punctual - I hate being made to wait. If you say you're going to be somewhere at a certain time, be there.

40. What three things are making you happy right now?

My brother is sitting on the bed next to mine (he's visiting for the weekend - happy days)

Making plans for next weekend (Fantastic Beasts is being released on Friday AND I AM SO EXCITED!)

Blogging - which I feel like I haven't done in forever!

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