
Written in the Stars


Guess who got accepted to study optometry at the University of Aston?!!??!


If you had told me three years ago that my life-long career was going to be optics, I would have dissolved into a fit of hysterical laughter. It's one of those things I said never to. Come to think of it, there are a lot of "nevers" I've sworn by and one by one, they've each been ticked off, tried and tested, the living paradoxes that have made me live by the phrase never say never. But this, this was one of the biggest nevers.

Yet here I am, stupidly excited to start the next chapter of my life which ironically, lies in the world of ocular anatomy. And that's the pinnacle of the universe; ultimately, no matter how much you plan, imagine, and plan, you will always always be taken to what has been pre-destined for you. It just falls into place. In its right time, at the right pace.

You know what's crazy? I could pin-point exact moments, defining moments, that if I went back in time to change, this whole thing would turned out differently. The last three years in fact, would be completely re-written. And what's crazier is that those moments, those pivotal moments, are so insignificant at face-value. If I were to take you back with me, they are snatches of time that you would brush over. Would I do it if I could? Take those moments and re-write history? Sometimes, I think I would. Other days, I have a heightened appreciation for the way it worked out. And that's just it. For the most part, deep down, I wouldn't change a thing.

So I guess here's to the next four years. Four unexpected years that I couldn't have planned for in a million years, yet are mine nonetheless - to build a career that maybe, possibly, surely was meant for me all along.

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