Inside the Life of an Introvert
[noun]: a person characterised by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings
ALTERNATIVELY: a term used to describe a person whose motives and actions are directed inward. Introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings, and minimise their contact with other people. The introvert is likened with Apollo, who shines light on understanding; the introvert is focused on the internal world of reflection, dreaming and vision. Thoughtful and insightful, the introvert can *sometimes be uninterested in joining the activities of others - Carl Jung [Psychological Types, 1921]
* always
| "Every introvert alive knows the exquisite pleasure of stepping from the clamour of a party, into the bathroom and closing the door"
27 Truths About Being An Introvert
(note: symptoms may overlap with social anxiety)
1. We find human interaction exhausting. We feel energised by being alone, and feel our energy drain by being around people
2. We crave our own space all. the. time.
3. We willingly saying no to hanging out with people and we wear thin the excuse "my mum said no" even though we're 21 years old, and by definition, an "adult"
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Hanging out with yourself is a legit commitment that some people don't get Source |
4. We will stumble around cluelessly in the supermarket looking for an item in the wrong aisle because we'd rather do that for fifteen minutes than ask a customer assistant for help
5. We will willingly work the night shifts on our part-time job because the shop is closed to the public and we can happily work the deliveries and tidy the shop floor without having to interact with humans
6. We deliberately let the phone ring - and ring and ring and ring - until it goes to voicemail. And maybe (just maybe) we'll reply to the "missed call" via text message, with a meek "Sorry I missed your call! I was in the bath" - complete with a facepalm emoji
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Why people still insist on calling when they could text, is beyond me Source |
7. We prefer to use the self-checkout than interact with the till assistant (NB: best case scenario is shopping online - and forget "free click and collect!", home delivery is the way to go)
8. We will memorise directions to so-and-so place, from its exact location to the number of bus stops, lefts and rights it'll take us to get there, because we don't want to be caught in a situation where we have to ask a stranger for help
9. We would rather email customer service with an issue and be quite happy waiting seven days for a response, than ring up the company and go through the painful process that is a phone conversation
10. If - and only if - we absolutely have to make the phone call, we will carefully and meticulously plan out an entire phone conversation for an agonising 24 hours beforehand, and there is a 99.9% chance that we will panic and stumble on our words if it does not go according to script
11. We will voluntarily eat lunch alone with just a book for company
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Never forget your book at home Source |
12. We will spend every second of our free time engrossed in a book until we're in danger of going blind, finding our comfort not in talking to people, but in imaginary worlds and pages drowning in ink
13. We will bail out on Friday night plans because we have a date with our fictional boyfriend
14. We will reluctantly celebrate occasions and go out on a social call but after a while, we find ourselves desperately wishing we were at home in our pjs
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15. We constantly deflect attention away from ourselves
16. We will sit alone in lectures and avoid people because it eats away at our peace of mind
17. We will make one good friend on our course, and keep them close for the next three years without bothering to broaden our friendship circle
18. We desperately hope and pray, and pray and hope, that people stay away from us - at all times
19. Our dream job is one where we can be alone and isolated with just our thoughts for company - "me, myself and I"
20. We become deliriously happy at any life situation that miraculously results in zero human interaction
21. We are uncomfortable meeting new people and when we do, we immediately wish we were anywhere but in their presence
22. We are awful at making conversation but we can hash out a blog post that nails everything we want to say, down to a T, no problem
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We definitely have a preferred method of communication Source |
23. We have the same social circle consisting of six people for eleven + years
24. We are reserved and we hold back; building concrete walls and keeping them up are our secret talents
25. We feel suffocated by small talk and we are constantly needing to escape the clutches of conversation
26. We find peace in solitude (and find it absurd that people get a kick out of interacting with other human beings)
27. Home is our escape, and the outside world is our prison
Being an introvert is when
amplified ten-fold and you feel attacked by the noise of the world
unable to tune out
unable to muffle the screams of society
unable to shut out the bustle of the world
as it
beneath your feet
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